sábado, 30 de janeiro de 2021


Aula 06 Dia 08 - 03 - 2021


1º) Coloque os verbos no lugar certo:

to play - cooking - working - to work - to dance - playing - to sing - studying - eating - to looking - reading

Verbos no infinitivo



Verbos no gerúndio



2º) Escreva se as frases abaixo estão no Imperativo Afirmativo ou Imperativo Negativo.

a) Sit down _____________________

b) Don't sing __________________

c) Give him a biscuit ___________________

d) Listen the music _________________

e) Eat that fish ! ___________________

f) Don't go to the club.______________

g) Read that book.________________

3º) Baseado no uso da forma do Imperativo marque a alternativa incorreta.

a) Don't buy that car !

b) Sit down!

c) Don't walk on the grass!

d) To eat vegetables !

e) Do the homework !

Aula 05 Dia 01 - 03 - 2021


1º) Traduza o texto.

                             My Mom

        My mom is 38 years old. She is very nice and kind. She has short brown hair. She works as a secretary in an office. She can cook verry well. She does all the housework. She loves me and my dad very much. My mom is the best. I love her.






a) Complete de acordo com o texto.

1. My mom ____ ( is / am/ are ) 38 years old.

2. She ______ ( has/ have) short hair.

3.She ______ ( work / works ) as a secretary.

4. She can ______ ( cooks/ cook) very well.

5. She _____ ( love / loves ) me and my dad.

b) Retire do texto em inglês.

1. Um pronome. _______________

2. Uma cor . __________________

3. Uma profissão _____________________

c) Escreva em inglês.

1. tarefa de casa ____________

2. marrom __________

3. mamãe __________

4. secretária __________

5. escritório _____________

Aula 04 Dia 22 - -2 -2021


1º) Escreva as palavras abaixo no lugar certo.

Sunday - July - April - Saturday- October - August - Thursday - June - Friday - December - May - Wednesday - September - Monday - February - November.

a) Days of the week _________________________________________________________________________________

b) Months of the year ______________________


2º) Complete as palavras que faltam, em inglês.

a) Monday , __________, Wednesday, _________, Friday.

b) Thursday, _________, Saturday, ___________.

c) December, __________, February, __________, April.

3º) Marque certo:

a ) What day comes before Friday?

(  ) Monday     (  ) Thursday    (  ) Saturday

b) What day is between Monday and Wednesday?

(  ) Monday    (  ) Friday  (  ) Tuesday

c) What month comes before August ?

(  ) May      (  )  July     (  ) September

d) In which month is the last letter H ?

(  ) April  (  )  March   (   ) September

e) What month comes between October and December ?

(  ) November  (   ) April     (   ) August

Aula 03 Dia 15 - 02 -2021


1º) Complete as frases com o verbo to be e traduza.

1. We ____ students.


2. I ____ an engineer.


3.She ____ at home.


4. Tom ____ a carpenter.


5. It ____ cold happy.


6. My friends ___ tired.


7. They ____ on the trip.


8. You _____ happy.


9. Emily ____ my sister.


10. He ____ fat.


2º) Coloque os verbos no gerúndio e traduza.

1. To work _________

2. To live __________

3 . To play _________

4. To love _____________

5 . To drink _____________

6 . To plant _____________

7 . To read ____________

8. To dance ____________

9. To study ____________

10 . To eat _____________

Aula 01 Dia 01 - 02 - 2021 Palestra

Aula 02 Dia 08 - 02 - 2021


1º) Traduza o texto, depois responda as questões abaixo.


            My name is Sam. I have a black dog. My dog's name is Maggie. Maggie loves to play. She is five years old. Maggie is my friend !!

 1. Responda de acordo com o texto.

a) What is my name ?

(  ) Maggie

(  ) Pam

(  ) Sam

b) What do I have?

(  ) a dog

(  ) a book

(  )  a fish

c) What color is it ?

(  ) black

(  ) brown

(  ) white

2º) Retire do texto em inglês.

a) Os pronomes pessoais . ___________________

b) Um número. ____________________________

c) Os nomes próprios. ______________________

d) Um animal. ___________________________

e ) Uma cor . ____________________________

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