sábado, 30 de janeiro de 2021


Aula 06 Dia 08 - 03 - 2021


1º) Traduza o texto.


         This is a tiger. Tigers live in the jungle. They eat meat. They live to climb and hunt. They are orange and black. They look like a big cat.

       In fact they are the biggest cat in the world.

2º) Responda de acordo com o texto , em ingles.

a) What colors are tigers ?


b) Where do tigers live ?


c) What do tigers look like ?


d) What is the biggest cat in the world?


Aula 05 Dia 01 - 03 - 2021


1º)  Complete as frases com as palavras no plural , depois traduza.

1. The _______ ( girl) are happy.


2. These are the _______ ( way ) to school.


3. Angie has _________ ( candy ).


4. My mother has _________ ( mango ) for me.


5. My _______( glass ) for the sun.


6. These are your ________ ( key ).


7. These are my book _______ ( story ).


8. Susana has five _________ ( apple )


2º) Passe as palavras para o plural e traduza.

1. fox

2. glass

3. boy

4. tomato

5. child

6. dog

7. day

8. monkey

9. church

10. apple

11. man

12. knife

13. pencil

14. fish

15. box

16. sheep

17. foot

18. mouse

19 . book

20. notebook

3º) Selecione a forma correta do plural da palavra entre parênteses para completar afrase.

1. Julian has four ________ ( brother )

(  ) brotheres

(  ) brothers

2.Thomas bought ten __________ ( potato ) in the market.

(  ) potatoes

(  ) potatos

3. My mom gave me two new _______ ( toy ) last Christmas.

(  ) toys

(  ) toies

Aula 04 Dia 22 - 02 - 2021


1º) Traduza o texto e responda as questões em inglês.


    In the farm there are animals. There is a yellow cat. There is a grey dog. There are ten cows. There are two horses. There are four white sheep. There is a pig. There are three duck. And there are two hens

a) Responda as questões.

1. How many horses are in the farm ?


2. Is there a pig in the farm ?


3. Is there a white dog in the farm ?


4. What color is the cat ?


5. How many cows are in the farm ? 


6. Are there four sheep ?


7. How many ducks are in the farm ?


b) Retire do texto em inglês.

1. Os números.


2. As cores.


3. Os animais.


4. Os substantivos que estão no plural.


c) Escreva em inglês.

1. fazenda___________

2. animais ______________

3. vacas _____________

4. cavalos _____________

5. pato _____________

6. cachorro _____________

7. galinhas ___________

Aula 03 Dia 15 - 02 - 2021


!º) Marque as frases que estão no Conditional tense.

a) (  ) They would go with you.

b) (  ) She will read a book.

c) (  ) He was a doctor.

d) (  ) He would write some letters.

2º) Passe as frases para o forma negativa e interrogativa , traduza.

1. I would buy a house.




2. He would buy this book.




3. She would eat the cake.




4. You would tell the truyh.




3º) Escolha a alternativa correta.

a) My mother _________ by plane.

(  ) would travel

(  ) would tell

b) You ________ your car.

(  ) would tell

(  ) would sell

4º) Coloque as palavras na ordem correta para formar uma frase e depois traduza.

a) would - to - they - beach - go - the.



b) Medicine - not - take - I - this - would.



Aula 01 Dia 01 - 02 -2021


Aula 02 Dia 08 - 02 -2021


1º) Traduza o texto, depois responda as questões abaixo.

My House

     My house is yellow with a brown roof and a purple hearth. My house has two windows . The door is blue . In the house there is a living room and a kitchen. There are three rooms. There is a toilet and bathroom.

1. Responda de acordo com o texto , em inglês.

a) What color is the house ? _______________

b) How many windows has the house ? ______

c) Is there a living room ? _________________

d) How many rooms has the house?__________

e) What color is the door ? _________________

f) Is there any toilet ? _____________________

g) How many bathroom has the house ? _______ 

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