sábado, 30 de janeiro de 2021


Aula 06 Dia 08 - 03 - 2021


1º) Traduza o texto.

                  My Teddy Bear

        I lost my Teddy bear. First. I looked for it on the bed. It was not there. Next, I looked for it in the toy box. It was not in there. Then , I looked for it on the table. It was not there. My Teddy bear was by the tub.

1. Responda de acordo com o texto , em português.

a) What dis the kid lose ?


b) Where did the kid look for his Teddy bear first?


c) Where was the Teddy bear/


2. Retire do texto , em inglês.

a) Os pronomes pessoais.


b) Os verbos no passado.


c ) Um número ordinal.


Aula 05 Dia 01 - 03 - 2021


1º) Escolha a alternativa correta e traduza.

1. _________ bows and arrows.

(  ) there was

(  ) there were

2. _________ fish and meat.

(  ) there was

(  ) there were

3. ______ berries and nuts.

(  ) there was

(  ) there were

4. ________ a fire in the hut.

(  ) there was

(  ) there were

5. _________ caves.

(  ) there was

(  ) there were

2º) Complete com there wasn't, there weren't e traduza.

1. _______ computers.


2. _______ houses.


3. ______ a supermarket.


4. _______ cars and planes.


5. ________ a book.


6. _______ a library next to the park.


7. ________ twenty students in the class.


8. ________ a cat in the garden.


3º) Marque as frases que estão corretas quanto ao uso de there was ou there were.

a) (  ) there was beautiful girls at the club last night.

b) (  ) there were two blue hats on this table two hours ago.

c) (  ) there was a party at school last Saturday.

d) (  ) there were film at the cinema three last week.

Aula 04 Dia 22 - 02 - 2021


1º) Identifique as frases em :

( A ) frase afirmativa

( B ) frase negativa

( C ) frase interrogativa

a) (  ) Fabiana was not living in Blumenau.

b) (  ) My parents were at the movies.

c) (  ) was I a good soccer player. ?

d) (  ) My brother and I were studying English.

e) (  ) Were Carol and Nicile at the airport yesterday ?

f) (  ) Edward was not at home last month.

g) (  ) All the students were at the theater last Friday.

2º) Complete com wasn't ou weren't e traduza.

1. The princess ___________ ugly.


2. She ___________ short or fat.


3. Her clothes _________ silly.


4. She _________ very smart.


5. Her parents _________ good to her.


6. She ___________ happy.


3º) Passe as frases para o passado e traduza.

1. He is a good student.



2. They are here.



3. We are busy.



4. They are at school.



5. I am not in the garden.



6. Are the windows open ?



7 Isn't he at home ?



Aula 03 Dia 15 - 02 - 2021


1º) Use WAS ou WERE e complete as frases, depois traduza.

a) It ____ very yesterday.


b) My father _____ a teacher in my school.


c) He _____ very sad.


d) Violet and Carla _____ tired.


e) My cat ____ sick.


f) Ann and James _____ rich.


g) Josh ____ a scientist.


2º) Traduza o texto, depois retire o que se pede em inglês.

       Suzie and Carla were teachers.

      Carla and Emma were from Canada

      Rose was a cook

      Rose was'nt from Canada

a) As profissões.


b) Uma frase negativa.


c) Os nomes próprios.


d) O verbo To Be no passado




Aula 01 Dia 01 - 02 - 2021 Palestra

Aula 02 Dia 08 - 02 - 2021


1º) Traduza o texto , depois responda as questões abaixo.

Picnic with Family 

            I am Evan. My family went to a picnic last Sunday. My mom took snacks and water with us. We went to the famous lake in our city. We enjoyed boating there. We played hide and seek.

a) Responda:

1. Where did Evan and his family go for picnic ?

a) (  ) park

b) (   ) lake

c) (   ) museum

2. Who took snaks and water for picnic?

a) (   ) father

b) (   ) mom

c) (   ) Evan

3. What game did they play?

a) (   )  football 

b) (   ) Hide and Seek

c)  (   ) Polo

4. Evan and his family enjoyed _______ there.

a) (   ) playing

b) (   ) boating

c) (   ) diving

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