sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2020



Aula 27 Dia 30 - 11 - 2020

 Prepositins IN , ON, AT
Preposição de tempo

 Assista o vídeo.

1. Preposição IN
. Antes de ano - 1970
. Antes de estação de ano - in summer, in spring
. Antes de mês - in April
. Período de tempo - in the Middle Ages
. Antes de nomes de países, cidades, estados - in Brazil, in Caico.

2. Preposição ON
. Para citar ruas.
I live on Monte Alegre street.
. Os dias da semana.
on Saturday
. Para citar dias do mês.
on May, 5 , on January ,6
.Expressões. on the farm, on the street.

3. Preposição AT
. Antes de horas - at 7 o'clock.
. Antes de nome de rua e o número.
At 178 Tiradentes Avenue.
.Expressões. at night, at the moment.


1º) Complete com IN, ON, AT e traduza.

1. I go to work _____ 9 a.m.
2. It's my birthday ____ Saturday.
3. We close ____ 8 o'clock.
4. My grandfather was born ____ 1953.
5. Sharon's birthday is ____ January.
6. I live ____ West Road.
7. Mona lives ____ Silver street.
8. Are There any holidays ___ October ?

Aula 26 Dia 23 - 11 -2020


1º) Traduza o texto abaixo, depois responda as questões.

I went to the farm.
I saw a dog and a pig.
The pig was dirt.
The dog was wet.
1. Marque certo.
a) I saw ___________.
(  ) a bird and a pig.
(  ) a dog and a cat.
(  ) a dog and a pig.

b) The pig was __________.
(  ) healthy
(  ) dirty
(  ) clean

c) The dog was __________.
(  ) white
(  ) dry
(   ) wet

2. Retire do texto em inglês.
a) Os verbos no passado.
b) Um pronome pessoal.
c) Os animais.
2º) Passe as frases para a forma negativa e traduza.
1. Your mother was drinking yesterday.
2. I was reading the newspaper.
3. Emilia was running fast.
4. The girls were playing basketball yesterday.
5. You were helping the children.
6. I was thinking of you.
7. They were crying aloud.
8. She was doing some exercises.

Aula 25 Dia 16 - 11 - 2020


1º) Complete as frases com os verbos entre parênteses no Past Continuous e traduza.

1. Laura ____________________ a book. ( read )
2. Martin and Sonia __________________ in the swimming pool. ( swim )
3. Katerine _________________ down her dog in the park ( walk )
4. Mercedes and her dad ___________________ in the park. ( walk )
5. His grandfather __________________ in the garden . ( work )
6. Richad __________________ a shower. ( have )
7. Some of my friends _______________ to Italy .( fly )
8. The two pupils ____________________ some plants in the country. ( collect )
9. We __________________ our anniversary at the hotel. ( celebrate )
10. She ___________________ for an exam in her bedroom. ( study )
11. They _________________ the final exams. ( corret )
12. He _________________ his bed at the moment .( make )

Aula 24 Dia 09 - 11 - 2020

Correção de atividade

Aula 12 do dia 03 - 08 - 2020

1. played - jogava
2. danced - dançou
3. lived - morou
4. liked - gostou
5. worked - trabalhou
6. studied - estudou
7. wanted - queria
8. helped - ajudou
9. painted - pintou
10. cleaned - limpou

1. Eu estudei para o teste.
2. Ele gostava de dançar.
3. Você ficou em casa noite passada.
4. Ela era uma professora.
5. Ele era um médico.

a) they, we.
b) closed, washed
c) They didn't close the door.
    Did they close the door?
    Eles fecharam a porta?
    We didn't wash our car last week.
    Did we they wash our car last week ?
    Nós lavamos nosso carro semana passada?

4º) . car
     . door
     . week

Aula 14 do dia 17 - 08 - 2020

1. to begin - began - começar
2. to  bring - brought - trazer
3. To buy - bought - comprar
4. To come - came - vir
5. drink - drank - beber
6. To eat - ate - comer
7. To find - found - encontrar
8. To go - went - ir
9. To know - knew - saber
10. To leave - left - partir
11. To make - made - fazer
12. To say - said - dizer
13. To see - saw - ver
14. speak - spoke - falar
15. To write - wrote - escrever

Aula 15 do dia 24 - 08 - 2020

1. ate
Eu comi seu sanduíche.
2. drank
Eles beberam muita coca.
3. bought
Ela comprou uma puseira.
4. went
Eu fui para o clube.
5. wrote
Vera escreveu uma longa carta para sua mãe semana passada.
6. sold
Ele vendeu sua casa semana passada.
7. came
Você veio para casa tarde noite passada.

a) Eu vi muitas coisas.
    Ele visitou muitos lugares interessantes.
b) I , he
c) visited

Aula 16 do dia 31 - 08 - 2020

1. I - vir
2. R - trabalhar
3. R - jogar
4. I - ver
5. I - ir
6. R - dançar
7. R - pintar
8. R - visitar
9. I - comprar
10. R - ajudar

a) Eles chegaram para a escola às 7 horas.
b) Nós fomos para o cinema aos domingos.
c) Eu comi muitas frutas.
d) O menino comprou alguns livros.

3º) I not saw the cat and a dog.


Aula 23 Dia 26 - 10 - 2020

Assista o vídeo.
Faça a cópia do conteúdo no caderno.

Past Continuous Tense
Tempo Passado Contínuo

       De maneira geral, usamos o tempo passado contínuo para expressar ações que aconteceram no passado e tiveram uma progressâo, uma duração, uma continuidade durante um período de tempo.

Ex: Maria was walking down the streets yesterday at 8 p.m

Como usar: verbo to be no passado ( was, were) e o verbo no gerúndio ( ing).

Forma afirmativa
. A formação da frase.
sujeito + was / were + v ( ing) + complemento.
The boys were playing games last Sunday.

Forma Negativa
. Coloca o not depois do verbo to be no passado ( was / were )
exs: He was not walking yesterday at 9 p.m.
        The boys were not studying last Friday night.

Aula 22 Dia 19 - 10 - 2020


1º) Traduza o texto.

           In São Paulo we visited our parents and then walked along Guaruja beach, at three o'clock we traveled to Rio by bus.
          We arrived here at about nine o'clock and watched a film on TV.

1. Retire do texto acima o que se pede:
a) Todos os verbos regulares
b) Os nomes próprios.
c) Os números.
d) Um pronome pessoal.

2º) Reescreva o texto abaixo substituindo os verbos em destaque pelo passado. Também substitua a expressão every day por yesterday . Faça a tradução.
        Kevin arrives in his office at seven o'clock everry day. He works from seven o'clock a.m. to four o'clock p.m. and then he returms home. He helps his wife in the kitchen and after dinner thet talk and wach tv programs

Aula 21 Dia 05 - 10 - 2020

Correção de atividade

Correção da Aula 07 do Dia 29 - 06 -2020

1. lived -morava
2. worked- trabalhava
3. played - jogou
4. opened - abriu
5. liked - gostou
6. studied - estudou
7. visited - visitou
8. looked - olhou
9. helped - ajudou
10. danced - dançou

1. John worked in a office.
John trabalhou no escritório.

2. I studied in the morning.
Eu estudei na manhã.

3. I washed my face in the morning.
Eu lavei meu rosto pela manhã.

4.We played football in the afternoon.
Nós jogavámos futebol na tarde.

5. They lived in a farm.
Eles moravam em uma fazenda.

6. The girls cleaned the house.
As meninas limparam a casa.

7. The boys planted many trees.
Os meninos plantaram muitas árvores.

8. I started my work at 8.
Eu comecei meu trabalho às 8.

Correção da Aula 08 do Dia 06 - 07 - 2020

1. played
Meu time jogou bem.

2. washed
Ele lavou o carro semana passada.

3. helped
Você ajudou meu amigo.

4. worked
Eles trabalharam aos domingos.

5. closed
Ela fechou a porta.

6. lived
Eu morei em uma grande fazenda.

7. wanted
Ela queria beber uma xícara de café.

8. cleaned
Maria limpou a casa ontem.

9. prepared
Minha mãe preparou meu café da manhã.

10. painted
Ele pintou uma figura semana passada.

11. arrived
Seu pai chegou cedo ontem.

12. traveled
As meninas viajaram de ônibus sábado passado.

13. received
Eles receberam a caixa ontem.

14. watched
Ela assistiu tv com Peter na terça a noite.

15. needed
Você precisou de seus documentos mês passado.

16. cried
A menina chorou toda manhã.

17. prayed
Minha mãe rezou muito fim de semana.

18. tried
Mike tentou chamar seu amigo nos Estados Unidos.

Correção da Aula 09 do Dia 13 - 07 - 2020

1. didn't call
Minha mãe não me chamou.

2. didn't want
Eles não queria beber uma xícara de café.

3. didn't like
Eles não gostaram de jogar tênis.

4. didn't clean
Maria não limpou a casa.

5. didn't live
Nós morávamos em uma fazenda.

6. didn't cook
Ela não cozinhou o jantar noite passada.

1. Did - play
Os meninos jogaram futebol ontem?

2. Did - help
As pessoas ajudaram Sra. Green?

3. Did - live
John morou na França ano passado?

4. Did study
As meninas estudaram a lição?

5. Did - paint
Minha irmã pintou a porta noite passada?

6. Did - cry
Eu chorei muito ontem?

Correção da Aula 10 do Dia 20 - 07 -2020

1. letter
2. skirt
3. sneakers
5. mixer
6. bird
7. blender
8. singer
9. book
10. world

a) Um  alerta
b) pedido
c) take care
study at home.
stay at home.

a) worked
b) You didn't help your friends.

Aula 20 Dia 28 - 09 - 2020


1º) Escolha entre some ou any e traduza.
a) Is there _______ sugar ?
b) To make pancakes we need ______ eggs.
c) Do you know ________ good restaurants near here ?
d) For dinner today I had _______ pasta.
e) It's cold. Don't open _______ windows.
f) There is _______ butter in the fridge.
g) There aren't ________ students in the classroom.
h) Is there _______ coffee in the cup ?
i) There are _______ pears in the basket.
j) There is _______ wine in the glass.

2º) Marque as frases que estão corretas quanto ao uso de  some, any , depois corrija as erradas.
a) (  ) I don't like any Italian food.
b) (  ) There are any books on the table.
c) (  ) Does Peter do some exercises ?
d) (  ) I need some time to finish the work.
3º) Escolha a alternativa correta.
a) I don't have ________ money.
(  ) any                   (  ) some

b) I am going to buy _______ new CDs.
(  ) any                  (  ) some

c) Could you bring me ________ water, please?
(  ) any                  (  ) some

d) Is there _______ shampoo ?
(  ) any                 (  ) some

e) I didn't eat _________ food, but he ate ________.
(  ) some , any      (  ) any , some                          

Aula 19 Dia 21 - 09 - 2020


Assista o vídeo.

1 - Some - usamos some para representar quantidade com substantivo incontáveis e substantivo contável.
I want some hot chocolate.
Eu quero um pouco de chocolate.

I want buy some oranges.
Eu quero comprar algumas laranjas.

. Usamos Some em frases interrogativas quando formos oferecer alguma coisa, geralmente com a expressão would like.
ex : Would like some juice?
       Você gostaria de um pouco de suco ?

. Usamos Some em frases interrogativas que fazem pedidos.
ex : Can I have some water , please ?
       Posso beber água, por favor?

2 - Any - usamos Any em frases interrogativas e negativas com substantivos incontáveis e contáveis no plural.
ex: Is there any milk in the fridge?
      Há algum leite na geladeira.?
     There isn't any milk in the fridge
     Não há nenhum leite na geladeira.

some - frase afirmativa.
any - frase negativa, interrogativa.
some - algum, algumas ,um pouco
any - nenhum

A tradução depende do contexto ( da frase ), na próxima aula vamos exercitar. Até lá !!!

Aula 18 Dia 14 - 09 - 2020

Atividade do texto

OBS: O texto Nancy e Jeff

1º) Responda em inglês:
a) Retire do texto os verbos que estão no passado:
. Regulares -
. Irregulares-
b) Os nomes próprios-
c) Os pronomes pessoais-

2º) Escreva em inglês.
1 - Cinema
2 - Ontem
3 - Bolo
4 - Lanchonete

3º) Coloque no infinitivo os verbos irregulares que tem no texto.
4º) Observe a frase e marque as alternativas corretas. You meet people from different backgrounds.
1 - You é ...
(  ) pronome pessoal
(  ) pronome demonstrativo
(  ) pronome relativo

2 - Meet é ...
(  ) verbo regular no presente.
(  ) verbo regular no passado
(  ) verbo irregular

3 - From é...
(  ) verbo
(  ) substantivo
(  ) preposição

5º) Marque a alternativa que corresponde ao passado dos seguintes verbos:
Play- have - learn - know
( ) plays, has , learned, know
( ) played, had , learnt, knew
( ) played, have, learn , knew 

Aula 17 Dia 07 - 09 - 2020


1º) Traduza o texto .
     Nancy and Jeff

        Nancy and Jeff went to the movies yrsterday. They saw an interesting film. It started at 8 o`clock and finished at 10 . They liked the film very much.
       After the film they walked to a cafeteria. They wanted to eat something. Jeff ordered a sandwich and Nancy a piece of cake. They both ordered coca cola.
      After that Nancy and Jeff walked to the parking lot near the cafeteria, took their car and went home.

Aula 16  Dia 31 - 08 -2020


1º) Numere os verbos abaixo ( R ) para regular e ( I ) para verbos irregulares depois faça a tradução.

1. (  ) to come - came ___________________
2. (  ) to work - worked _________________
3. (  ) to play - played __________________
4. (  ) to see - saw _____________________
5. (  ) to go - went _____________________
6. (  ) to dance - danced ________________
7. (  ) to paint - painted ___________________
8. (  ) to visit - visited ____________________
9. (  ) buy - bought ______________________
10. (  ) help - helped _____________________

2º) Traduza as frases.
a) They got to school at 7 o`clock.
b) We went to the movies on Sundays.
c) I ate many fruit.
d) The boy bought some books.
3º) Encontre qual é a frase que está errada na forma negativa.
(  ) I did not speak English.
(  ) I not saw the cat and a dog.
(  ) David did not write some letters last week.

Aula 15 Dia 15 - 08 -2020

1º) Complete as frases com os verbos no passado e traduza.
1 - I _________ your sandwich. ( To eat )
2 - They ____________ a lot of coke. ( To drink)
3 - She __________ a purse. ( To buy )
4 - I _________ to the club. ( To go )
5 - Vera __________ a long letter to her mother last week. ( To write )
6 - He ___________ her house last week.( To sell )
7 - You ________ home late last night. ( to come )

2º) Observe as frases abaixo, depois responda.
. I saw many things.
. He visited many interesting places.

a) Traduza as frases.
b) Retire os pronomes pessoais ______________
c) Qual o verbo:
regular ______________
irregular _____________

To sell - sold
To write - wrote
To eat - ate
To come - came
To go - went
To drink - drank
To buy - bought

Aula 14 Dia 17 - 08 -2020

Simple Past Tense Irregular Verb
Assista o vídeo

           Os verbos irregulares em inglês são aqueles verbos cuja forma de passado na forma afirmativa muda completamente da forma do infinitivo.
ex : to buy - bought
       to drive - drove

Lista de alguns verbos

To eat - ate
To cut - cut
To put - put
To sell - sold
To give - gave
To cost - cost
To write - wrote
To pay - paid
To come - came
To make - made
To go - went
To lose - lost

Vamos observar a diferença entre as 3 formas:

Forma Afirmativa
He drove a Ferrari yesterday.

Forma Negativa
He did not drive a Ferrari yesterday

Forma Interrogativa
Did he drive a Ferrari yesterday.
Obs; Como você observou quando coloca-se o auxiliar Did o verbo muda. Portanto tem de saber como e escrito. Alguns a escrita fica do mesmo jeito e outros mudam completamente.

ex: to read - read
      to drink - drank


1°) Faça uma lista de 15 verbos irregulares no infinitivo e no passado e traduza.
 Infinitivo                 Passado                             Tradução
Aula 13 Dia 10 - 08 - 2020

Ola! Vamos fazer algumas correções.

Aula 04 do dia 08 - 06 - 2020

a) There were - Havia sete meninos na sala de aula.
b) There was - Havia uma pintura na parede.
c) There were - Havia muitos pássaros na árvore.
d) There was - Havia um acidente perto da minha casa semana passada.
e) There were - Havia muitos meninos no clube ontem.
f) There was - Havia um bolo na geladeira noite passada.
g) There were - Havia duas xícaras na mesa esta tarde.
h) There were - Havia bonitas meninas na festa.
i) There was - Havia um jardim em frente da casa.
j) There was - Havia uma mulher no mbarco.

Aula 05 do dia 15 - 06 -2020

1 - There was not a driver there
Was there a driver there?
Havia um motorista lá?

2 - There was not a woman in the classroom.
Was there a woman in the classroom.
Havia uma mulher na sala de aula.

3 - There were not three girls here yesterday.
Were there three girls here yesterday.
Havia três meninas aqui ontem

4 - There were not beautiful girls at the party.
Were there beautiful girls at the party.
Havia meninas bonitas na festa.

5 - There were not roses in the garden.
Were there roses in the garden ?
Havia rosas no jardim.

6 - There were not children in front of the house.
Were there children in front of the house?
Havia crianças em frente da casa.

7 - There was not an American flag on the wall.
Was there an American flag on the wall?
Havia uma bandeira americana na parede

8 - There was not a man in the kitchen
Was there a man in the kitchen?
Havia um homem na cozinha

9 - There was not a cat in the basket
Was there a cat in the basket?
Havia um gato na cesta.

10 - There were not two windows in my classroom
Were there two windows in my classroom?
Havia duas janelas em minha sala de aula.


1 - There were- Havia muitos meninos no jardim.
2 - Was there - Havia uma menina no quarto?
3 - Were there - Havia muitas tomates na cozinha?
4 - There was - Havia um menino na igreja.
Aula 06 do dia 22 - 06 - 2020


           Hoje há muitos esportes ao redor do mundo. Muitos destes esportes tinham uma origem interessantes.
          Os jogos olímpicos eram original da Grêcia. Primeiro eles eram festivais religiosos com corrida a pé. Agora os jogos Olímpicos consiste de muitas competições entre diferentes povos.
        Judo e karatê eram original do Japão mas hoje há competições em muitas partes do mundo.
        Futebol era originalmente um jogo inglês mas hoje ele é um esporte muito popular especialmente do Brasil.

Correção da atividade
1 - Greece
2 - competitions
3 - world
4 - English
5 - had

1 - ( X )
     (     )

2 - (   )
     ( X)

3 - ( x ) from Greece

4 - (   )
     ( X )
     (   )

5 - ( x ) from Japan

6 - ( x ) an English game

7 - (  X  ) especially in Brazil

Aula 12 Dia 03 - 08 - 2020


1º) Pesquise 10 verbos que você aprendeu no passado regular e traduza.
1 - ________________
2- ________________
3 -________________
4 - ________________
5 - ________________
6 - ________________
7 - ________________
8 - ________________
9 - _______________
10 - ________________

2º) Traduza as frases.
1 - I studied for the test.
2 - He liked to dance.
3 - You stayed at home last night.
4 - She was a teacher.
5 - He was a doctor.

3º) Observe as frases abaixo, depois responda em inglês.

. They closed the door.
. We washed our car last week.

a) Retire os pronomes pessoais das frases. ___________________
b) Os verbos que estão no passado__________________________
c) Passe cada frase para a forma negativa, interrogativa e traduza.
d) Escreva as palavras em inglês.
. carro __________________
. porta __________________
. semana_________________

Aula 11 - Dia  27 - 07 -2020

Olá !! Alunos !! Vamos fazer a correção de algumas atividade. Preste a atençaõ no número da aula e no dia

Correção da Aula 01 do Dia 18 -05 -2020

Tradução do texto

       Era cinco horas da tarde. A temperatura estava dez graus abaixo de zero e uma temperatura de neve estava vindo. Nós estávamos andando na neve, procurando nessa base. Mas havia sinal de pessoas , nenhum sinal da base. Todo mundo estava com fome e cansado. Não havia ninguém para nos ajudar.
      De repente havia uma coisa branca no horizonte. Nós estávamos muito ansioso, mas era impossível vê-lo muito bem à distância. ERa uma casa? Era a base? Quando nós estávamos perto era muito claro.
     Havia um iglu para nos proteger da tempestade.
     O iglu era nossa casa por dois dias. A temperatura dentro do iglu era uma surpresa para nós. Era quente lá.
     Nós estávamos esperando no iglu branco um grupo de resgate estava procurando por nós.


1 - (  V  )
2 - (  V  )
3 - (  F  )

1 - below
2 - looking for , base
3 - an igloo, storn

3 º )
a) It, we
b) five ,ten, one, two, three
c) white
d) afternoon
e) walking, looking, waiting

1 - storm
2 - hungry
3 - tired
4 - snow
5 - snowstorn
6 - clear

Correção da Aula 2 do Dia 25 -07- 2020

colors - blue, gray, orange, yellow
family - sister, brother, mother, grandfather, grandmother, father
numbers - one, three, ten, seven
fruit - pear, banana, apple, orange
animals - horse, fish, cat, dog, rooster
toys - jump- rope, ball, bicycle, doll, car
achool objects - notebook, bag, pen pencil

a) twenty
b) fourteen
c) eleven
d) fifteen
e) sixteen
f) nineteen
g) ten
h) thirteen
i) eighteen
j) seventeen

Correção da Aula 3 do Dia 01- 07 -2020

          Carros , ônibus, trens, navios e aviões são os meios de transportes mais comuns que as pessoas usam atualmente.
          As pessoas usam os meios de transporte para se locomover. Elas também usam bicicletas, motocicletas e o metrô. AS pessoas usam os meios de transporte para ir de um lugar para outro.
        Em alguma parte da cidade , as pessoas não usam nenhum meio de transporte. Elas vão de um lugar para outro a pé.

Atividade do texto

( V )
( V )
( F  )
(  V )
(  F  )

a) on foot
b) bicycles
c) place to place
d) buses
f ) means of transport
g) trains
h ) city

Aula 10 - Dia 20 -07 -2020


1 º) Traduza o conjunto de palavras a seguir e risque a que não pertence ao grupo, conforme o exemplo 1.

1 - jug - fork - pan - letter
2 - raccoon - skirt - deer - sheep
3 - peas - lettuce - sneakers - broccoli
4 - box - check - card - coin
5 - nail - clamp - cuticle - mixer
6 - turbine - bird - pilot - airplane
7 - stapler - pencil - eraser - blender
8 - book - library - singer - writer
9 - trumpet - saxophone - drum - book
10 - world - web - site - internet

2º) Vamos compreender este anúncio!

Don`t feed
The cats and dogs

a) Qual é o objetivo principal do texto ? ____________________________________________________  b)  O texto acima expressa ideia de :
(   ) pedido
(   ) conselho
(   ) proibição

c) Escreva em inglês : 

. Se cuide ______________________________________________
. Estude em casa ________________________________________
. Fique em casa_________________________________________

3º) Escolha a alternativa correta.

a) He _________ in an office.
(   ) work
(   ) worked
(   ) to worked

b) You helped your friends . A frase na forma forma negativa ?

(   ) You helped didn`t your friends.
(   ) You didn`t helped your friends.
(   ) You didn`t help your friens.

Aula 09 - Dia 13 - 07 -2020

Obs : Vocês aprenderam o passado dos verbos regulares que colocam ED ou D . Agora vamos aprender a forma interrogativa e negativa dos verbos regulares.

Forma Negativa e Interrogativa

        Quando o auxiliar DID aparece na frase o verbo principal fica no infinitivo sem o TO.

EX : She did not walk to school yesterday. 
        Did she walk to school yesterday?

Afirmativa : She played football.
Negativa : She did not play football.
Interrogativa : Did She play football.?

Na forma negativa o DID NOT fica antes do verbo. E na forma interrogativa o DID fica no começo da frase. Lembre o verbo perde o ED ou D . Na negativa pode usar o DIDN`T ( forma contraída ).


1º) Complete as frases na forma negativa ( DID NOT ou DIDN`T) e traduza. Lembre de tirar o ED ou o D do verbo

1 - My mother called me.
     My mother ___________ me.

2 - They wanted to drink a cup of coffee.
     They _________________ to drink a cup of coffee.

3 - They liked to play tennis.
      They ________________ to play tennis.

4 - Mary cleaned the house.
     Mary ____________________ the house.

5 - We lived on a farm.
     We _________________ on a farm.

2º) Complete as frases na FORMA INTERROGATIVA e traduza > Lembre o DID fica no começo da frase e o verbo tira o ED ou D.

1 - The boys played football yesterday.
____ The boys _______ football yesterday.?

2 - The people helped Mrs. Green.
______ The people ___________ Mrs. Green ?

3 - John lived France the lesson.
______ John _______ in France last year ?

4 - The girls studied the lesson.
_____The girls _________ the lesson?

5 - My sister painted the door last night.
_____ My sister _________ the door last night ?

6 - I cried a lot yesterday.
_____ I ______ a lot yesterday?


Aula 08 - Dia 06 - 07 - 2020


1º) Complete os verbos entre parênteses no passado e traduza.

1 - My team ___________________ well. ( play )

2 - He ________________ the car last week. ( wash)

3 - You ___________________ my friend. ( help)

4 - They ___________________ on Sundays. ( work)

5 - She _______________ the door. ( close )

6 - I _________________ in a big farm. ( live )

7 - She ___________________ to drink a cup of coffee. ( want )

8 - Mary ____________________ the house yesterday. ( clean )

9 - My mother ______________________ my breakfast ( prepare )

10 - He ____________________ a picture last week. ( paint )

11 - Their father __________________ early yesterday. ( arrive )

12 - The girls _________________ by bus last Saturday. ( travel )

13 - They ________________ the box yesterday. ( receive )

14 - She ________________ television with Peter on Tuesday night
( watch)

15 - You ___________________ your documents last month ( need )

16 - The girl _______________ all morning . ( cry )

17 - My mother ________________ a lot last weekend. ( pray)

18 - Mike ___________________ to call his friend in the United States yesterday ( try )

Aula 07 Dia  29 - 06 - 2020

Simple Past Tense  - Regular Verb
Passado simples do verbo regular

Assista o vídeo
            O passado simples dos verbos regulares é formado acrescentando - se d / ed ao final do verbo.
           exs; To work - worked
                   To live - lived

Obs ; 
1 - Nos verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante troca-se o y por ied.

      exs: to study - studied

2 - Verbos terminados em e acrescenta o d .
      exs : to like - liked

3 - Verbos terminados em vogal + -y acrescenta-se apenas -ed . 

     exs: to play - played


1 º) Mude os verbos para o passado e traduza .

1 - To live -  Lived - morava
2 - To work _______________________________________
3 - To play ________________________________________
4 - To open _______________________________________
5 - To like ________________________________________
6 - To study ______________________________________
7 - To visit _______________________________________
8 - To look ______________________________________
9 - To help _______________________________________
10 - To dance _____________________________________

2º ) Passe as frases para o tempo passado e traduza. 

1 John works in a office. 

Jonh worked in a office.
Jonh trabalhou em um escritório.

2 - I study in the morning.

3 - I wash my face in the morning.

4 - We play football in the afternoon.

5 - They live in a farm. 

6 - The girls clean the house. 

7 - The boys plant many trees. 

8 - I start my work at 8 .

Aula 06 Dia 22- 06 2020


1º) Traduza o texto:


          Today there are many sports around the world. Many of these sports had an interesting origin.
          The Olympic Games were original from Greece. First they were religious festivals with foot races. Now the Olympic Games consist of many competitions among different peoples.
         Judo and Karate were original from Japan but today there are competitions in many parts of the world.
        Football was originally an English game but today it is a very popular sport especially in Brazil.

Responda de acordo com o texto;

1- Complete as frases usando as palavras abaixo:

  world - had - English - competitions - Greece

a) The Olympic Games were original from ________________
b) The Olympic Games consist of many___________________
c) There are many sports around the______________________
d) Football was originally an ___________________ game.
e) Many of these sports __________ an interesting origin.

2 - Marque a alternativa correta de acordo com o texto:

a) (   ) There are many sports around the world.
    (   ) there are few sports around the world. 

b) (   ) All the sports had an interesting origin.
    (   ) Many sports had an interesting origin.

3 -  The Olympic Games were original.
      (   ) from Italy
      (   ) from Greece
      (   ) from England

4 - The first Olympic Games;

     (   ) were religious festivals with foot races.
     (   ) were competitions among different peoples.

5 - Karate and Judo are original:

    (   ) from Brazil
    (   ) from China
    (   ) from Japan

6 - Football was originally

   (   ) a Brazilian game
   (   ) an American game
   (   ) an English game

7 - Football is a very popular sport:

   (   ) especially in Greece.
   (   ) especially in the United States.
   (   ) especially in Brazil.

Aula 05 - Dia 15 -06 -2020


1º) Escreva as frases na forma negativa , interrogativa e traduza.

1 - There was a driver there.
2 - There was a woman in the classroom.
3 - There were three girls here yesterday.
4 - There were beautiful girls at the party.
5 - There were roses in the garden.
6 - There were children in front of the house.
7 - There was an American flag on the wall.
8 - There was a man in the kitchen.
9 - There was a cat in the basket.
10 - There were two windows in my classroom.

2º) Complete com o verbo there to be nas frases abaixo e traduza. 

   was there - there was - were there - there were

1 - ________________ many boys in the garden
2 _________________ a girl in the bed ?
3 - ___________________ many tomatoes in the kitchen?
4 - __________________ a boy at the church.

OBS: A forma negativa coloca o not depois do verbo : there was not , there were not . A forma interrogativa faz a troca : Was there ,were there .

Aula 04 Dia 08-06-2020 

Ola!!! Alunos ! , estudamos o verbo to be no passado ( was , were ). Agora vamos estudar There to be no passado . Assistam o vídeo.

There To Be - Past Tense

- O verbo haver , no passado , possui duas formas.
a) There was - usada no singular
ex: There was a boy in the class.
     Havia um menino na classe.

b) There were , usada no plural.
ex : There were boys in the class.
      Havia meninos na classe.

Affirmative Form

There was  ( singular ) Havia
There were ( plural ) Havia

Negative Form

There was not - There wasn`t
There were not - There weren`t

Interrogative Form

Was there ?
Were there ?

Exs: There was a book here.
        There was not a book here.
        Was there a book here.

OBS: There was usa-se em frases no singular e There were em frases no plural.


1 _ Complete as frases com There was ou There were e traduza.

a)____________ seven boys in the classroom.
b)____________ a picture on the wall.
c) ____________many birds on the tree.
d) ____________an accident near my house last week.
e) ____________many boys at the club yesterday.
f) ____________a cake in the fridge last night.
g) ___________two cups on the table this afternoon.
h) ___________ beautiful girls at the party.
i) ____________ a garden in front of the house.
j) ____________ a woman on the boat.

Aula 03 Dia 01-06~2020


1- Traduza o texto. 

          Cars, buses, trains, ships and planes are the most common means of transport that people use nowadays.
          People use means of transport to movearound . The also use bicyycles, motorcycles, and the subway or underground. People use means of transport to go from place to place.
         In some parts of the city, people do not use any means of transport. They go from place to on foot.

Atividade do texto

1 - Assinale ( V ) para verdade e ( F ) para falso.

(  ) O texto fala de alguns meios de transporte.
(  ) As pessoas usam os meios de transporte para se deslocar.
(  ) Bicicletas e motocicletas não são considerados meios de transporte.
(  ) Em alguns lugares da cidade , as pessoas deslocam-se a pé.
(  ) O avião é o meio de transporte mais rápido que existe.

2 - Escreva em inglês.

a) a pé________________________
b) bicicletas ____________________
c) lugar para outro_________________
d) ônibus_______________________
e) navios_____________________
f) meios de transporte________________________
g) trens____________________________
h) cidade____________________________


Aula 02- do dia 25- 05-2020


1 - Escreva as palavras no lugar certo.

notebook- blue - gray - sister- brother - mother - orange - grandmother -  one - three - ten - seven - horse - pear - banana - apple - roostir - grandfather - fish - cat - bag- dog - pen - pencil - jump rope - ball - bicycle - doll - car - father - yellow







School objects_____________________________________

2 - Faça a conta e responda em inglês.

a) eight + four = __________________

b) five + nine = _____________________

c) one + ten = ______________________

d) five x three = _____________________

e ) two x eight = ______________________

f) six + thirteen = ________________________

g) twelve - two = ___________________________

h) seven + six = _____________________________

i) nine x two = _______________________________

j) nine + eight =______________________________


Aula 01- dia 18-05-2020

1- Faça a tradução do texto 

Danger in the cold

                 It was five o`clock in the afternoon . The temperature was ten degrees below zero and a snowstorn was coming. We were walking in the snow, looking for our base. But there was no sign of people , no sign of the base. Everbody was hungry and tired. There was no one to help us. 
                  Suddenty there was a white thing on the horizon. We were very excited, but it was imp0ssible to see it very well at a distance. Was it a house? Was it the base ? When we were close , it was very clear.
- There was an igloo to protect us from the storm.
             The igloo was our home for two days. The temperature inside the igloo was a surprise to us . It was warm in there.
                 We were waiting in the igloo white a rescue group was looking for us. Three days later we were safe and sound at the base.


1- Complete ( v) verdade ou ( f ) falso de acordo com o texto.
1 ( ) It was five o`clock in the afternoon and a snowstorn was coming.
2 - ( ) They were looking for their base .
3 - ( ) They were many people on the horizon. 

2 - Escolha a palavra correta de acordo com o texto.
a) The temperature was ( ten, five ) degrees ( below , above ) zero.
2 -they were walking in the snow ( before , looking for ) the ( rescue group , base ).
3 - ( A home , A igloo ) protected them from the ( storm , hungry people). 
 3- Retire do texto em ingles. 
a) Os pronomes pessoais. 
b) Os números. 
c) Uma cor . 
d) Uma saudaçao. 
e) 3 verbos no gerúndio .
4 - Escreva em inglês .
 a) temperatura 
b) com fome 
c) cansado
d) neve
e) temperatura de neve 
f) claro

Observação: vocês deverão copiar e responder no caderno as atividades propostas.

Orientamos que para retorno: batam foto da atividade (coloque disciplina-nome-turma) e envie em anexo, no e-mail criado para isso:
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Nome, série e disciplina.

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